Ukraine Job Fair
Since August 2022, Soulidarity leads a cross-sectoral cooperation platform for work integration - Ukraine Job Fair. The goal is to build short and long term links between the target group, employers, civil society, educational bodies and authorities. The site is structured as a three-dimensional job fair where newly arrived Ukrainians can search for meaningful jobs, attend language courses, be informed about the labor market and laborlaw , and find skills development initiatives. Register via the button below or read more about the project below.
The project is carried out in close cooperation with New Community and co-funded by the ESF CARE program under the project name Care for Ukraine.
F y s i c a l a c t i v i t i e s o n B l e c k t o r n 1 3 , S t o c k H o l m
Mondays: CV writing etc., 13:00-15:30. Tuesdays - Wednesdays: Enrollment, 13:00-15:30
Civil society organizations
Available Jobs
Registered participants
The role of the platform as a hub for all labour market actors
Exhibitors at the Platform
The platform is structured as a digital job fair to be easily accessible to the entire Ukrainian target group regardless of technical background. On the platform, actors from business, civil society and authorities are assigned stands where they can share their skills development, informative and training materials, share relevant job opportunities for the target group using our complete job matching system and hold private or group-based consultations, mentoring meetings and seminars, etc.
Below are brief descriptions of some of the exhibitors currently on the platform and links to their stands. To follow the link and see all their material, you need to register an account on the platform.
Recruitment, Fair competition, Fair conditions
In order for our participants to reach competent jobs with fair conditions, we have created a larger collaboration with Lernia, which announces hundreds of vacancies on the platform. On August 23rd, we will also organize a job fair together with Lernia, Virtual Days and Keystone Education Group at Karlavägen 104. Lernia's 5 recruiters will then hold job interviews and seek employees throughout the country with varying skill requirements. With 150 estimated participants, it is important that the participants can conduct their job interviews in Swedish or English for the event to run smoothly.
Community Building, Culture, Information & Advocacy.
Nordic Ukraine Forum
The aim of the Nordic Ukraine Forum stand is to spread information about Ukrainian culture, share opinion-forming events, highlight challenges and opportunities for the Ukrainian target group and share information relevant to the target group.
Job opportunities & labour market information
Xervon has a stand on the platform where they will exhibit job opportunities related to construction work, as well as share materials that facilitate labor market integration related to the industry.
Swedish lessons
Swedish for Beginners
Svenska för Nybörjare is a private initiative created by Marie Rödemark whose stand gives newcomers the opportunity to take part in language teaching based on the SFI's CEFR template via the platform. The teaching takes place via written glos material and recorded webinars.
Information, Training & CV optimization
LinkedIn has a stand where they support newcomers on how to create and optimize their job-seeking profile, search and apply for jobs, share LinkedIn resources, and share further training materials. They also act as consultants on labor market integration and digital recruitment services to the project team.
More existing stands will be added
This page is under development and soon information will be added about all of the participants on the platform, including Framtidståget, Rainbow Refugees Sweden, Nya Kompisbyrån, Swedish At Work, House of Ukraine, Sigma Technology, Tack Tech Ukraine, Ukrainska Alliansen i Sverige, Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan, Soulidarity & Human Rights and Avnic.
Tools at the disposal of users
Features of the platform
The platform is based on a digital three-dimensional interface that represents the different rooms of an exhibition hall. These "rooms" come with a number of features and are linked in various ways to the information that each participant provides when registering their account.
Below is a brief description of the main features available on the platform.
Find relevant jobs & jobseekers
Job matching
Participants can book job interviews with exhibitors based on their shared experiences, preferences and experiences. In turn, they can and will make contact with interesting participants.
Training (live & recorded), information & lectures
Exhibitors can hold open webinars in virtual seminar halls via our built-in video function. Information material can be shared and the lecturer can chat with, and give the floor to, participants. Suitable for e.g. teaching, group interviews and group consultation.
Find the right participants & the right activity
Screening forms
All participants register their personal data in order to receive a personalized selection of stands, materials and opportunities. Exhibitors can use this information to register participation as they access the exhibitor's material.
Find & share relevant information
Dissemination of information
Exhibitors can share information about their activities, the Swedish labor market, migration and labor law, etc. at their stand, via open seminars or private video meetings.
Meetings, job interviews, mentoring & consultation
Chat & video meetings
Participants send E-mail, chat or inquiries to exhibitors' representatives regarding job interviews, consultation sessions or questions about their activities. The video call service is fully integrated into the platform and encrypted.
Meeting tables for participants and exhibitors, 24/7
Open meeting tables
There are a number of different meeting tables that are open 24/7 where up to 100 participants and exhibitors can speak at any time via voice and/or video call. A room is dedicated solely to exhibitors who can use this room for networking and cross-sector communication.
Partners, project ownership, participation
Project structure
While Soulidarity & Human Rights is the owner of the project, the project consists of a close collaboration of actors between a number of different business and civil society actors.
Below is an account of the cooperation structure behind the project and how the different actors are involved in the implementation of the project.
There is an income from the business community that participates and a distribution of costs. In the first instance, revenues go to market-based compensation for those who have worked to create the platform and its content, and then all revenues will go back to civil society organizations in Sweden that work with the target group. Reporting of the work shall follow the principles of transparency and be in line with the values of Soulidarity & HumanRights.
Consulting and IT services
Soulidarity's partners Lansera Virtual Events and Framtidsverket are responsible for connecting companies and financing the costs of the platform during the start-up phase, providing digital development and digital tools. Together with Keystone Education Group, they also act as consultants to the project team regarding the needs of the business community and the recruitment industry. Part of the cost sharing will continue to go towards the procurement of these services.
The project is owned and operated by Soulidarity & Human Rights. Civil society gets free access to the platform and can conduct and complement their activities. Employers participate against payment and in exchange receive consultation regarding labor market policy measures, job matching systems (including support), job seekers and integration support for their new employees. The employment and migration services benefit from the platform's results through enrolment support for their systems and information dissemination.
Other cooperation partners
Soulidarity's steering group consists of, among others. Stockholms Sydost Rödakorskrets, War Child, Stockholms Stadsmission and others, and their expertise and activities add to the project's ability to reach out to and understand the needs of the target group. The Red Cross Circle, together with Soulidarity's partner Ny Gemenskap, is also responsible for Kafé Södermalm, where complementary activities are held for the platform. Soulidarity is part of the City of Stockholm's Integration Pact initiative within which important networking and dialog takes place.
Updates, new cooperation & events
Updates on the Ukraine Job Fair
The project is constantly evolving, with new collaborations, new material and new jobs being added all the time. Although the platform is open 24/7, there are also time-bound events such as live lectures, trainings and others.
Below you can find the latest updates and important dates related to the platform.
Lecture and Job offers
Linkedin & Xervon
Together with blah. Ny Gemenskap, Söders kristna råd, Söderhöjdskyrkan, Sociala Missionen and Red Cross circles, Soulidarity & HumanRights NGO coordinates Kafé Söder - Mötesplats för Ukrainska Flyktingar in Söderhöjdskyrkan, Blecktornsgränd 13.
We are pleased to announce that the Ukraine Job Fair will now be developed under our ESF-funded project Care for Ukraine. The ESF has granted full support to the project which will now be able to expand. The project will be further developed as a collaborative project with Souldiarity & Human Rights as the project owner and New Community as a collaborative actor.
The project period related to the grant is until the end of September, but we plan to continue the project as long as the need exists within the target group.
Successful first lecture with LinkedIn
Linkedin - Ukraine Job Fair
We are very grateful for the cooperation with Linkedin during Monday's lecture in our premises in Söderhöjdskyrkan. During the lecture, Rasmus and Olena from Souldiarity presented our platform Ukraine Job Fair to approx. 80 participants during the mass displacement directive, after which Erudita Ehoti from Linkedin gave a tailored presentation on how to optimize their LinkedIn account.
We look forward to the next lecture together and will soon upload footage from the lecture to the LinkedIn stand on the platform.
Meeting point for Ukrainian refugees
Café Södermalm
Together with blah. Ny Gemenskap, Söders kristna råd, Söderhöjdskyrkan, Sociala Missionen and Red Cross circles, Soulidarity & HumanRights NGO coordinates Kafé Söder - Mötesplats för Ukrainska Flyktingar in Söderhöjdskyrkan, Blecktornsgränd 13.
The physical meeting place is an important complement to our digital efforts as our staff make the platform available through the meeting place by providing instructions and information. The activities linked to the platform are expanded here and the plan is to integrate the existing activities in the room with the platform's activities. This will enable semi-digital courses via pre-recorded material, CV writing via the platform's system, mentoring programs based on the platform's material and job opportunities, etc.
Expanding the Civil Society and Business Network
Integration pacts - Stockholm City
We are happy to announce that in December we have become members of the Integration Pact and we look forward to further cooperation on our cross-sectoral communication platform Ukraine Job Fair.
The network is an initiative of the City of Stockholm that consists of actors in and around the labor market who have a common goal of supporting labor market integration for those furthest from working life in Sweden.