Project Soulidarity
Focus on helping vulnerable young people with shelter, food and access to psychosocial care and health. In doing so, we respect the rights and autonomy of each individual. Project Soulidarity provides between 25 and 50 beds every day.
We engage from different perspectives and through different initiatives to inform and influence, in the hope of creating fair and equal conditions for all. Together with our partners, we are able to have a greater impact. Our goal is to change and contribute to a social development that safeguards Human Rights and democracy. About everyone's equal value, their inherent right to autonomy and justice.
To take initiatives to influence decision-makers to change the unreasonable requirements that came with the new Upper Secondary School Act - in an effort to broaden the possibilities of raising the potential of the individual; through schooling, training & work - and thereby get the opportunity to become a good citizen & the chance to create a dignified life.
* On basic migration law and the new law on secondary education
Proposed legislation
The initiative came in the context of a new draft law put forward by government policy makers, whereby Project Soulidarity provided its opinion and position on the contradictions of the draft in relation to humanitarian commitments and justice.
Hiking for amnesty
The initiative "Varandra för amnesti" wants to focus on the current situation of young unaccompanied minors. By walking around Sweden, the hope is to create a greater public opinion on the issue and raise money for Project Soulidarity. The long-term goal is amnesty for all unaccompanied minors and a more humane migration policy.
The practical work
A meal, a bed and social activities. By covering basic needs, we take the first step in prevention.
Coaching and life class
Empowerment and self-reliance are important tools for moving forward for those without a place in society. With the help of experienced coaches, MI sessions are held in groups and individually to talk about the experiences that brought the residents here.
Activities for coherence
Staff, volunteers and volunteers create activities with young people to create a sense of belonging, well-being and participation.